"Cold Morning" by Allison Kim (2024)

(Excerpt from) Haiku Collection

 Listen to the author

Time had gone by since the onion escaped. During this time, it began to understand human society. It learned the language, the names of different species, and the means of surviving as a vulnerable onion. What stood out to him was the treatment of his brethren. Inhumanely having their limbs sliced off their bodies and thrown into a pit of fire. The onion was furious. It wanted revenge. But it couldn’t do it alone. It postulated theories on what resulted in onions to come to life but its efforts were nugatory. Right when the onion was about to give up, it heard something promising on the news. In a house nearby, another man claimed to have seen an onion come to life before she began to cut it. Everyone thought he was insane which, at the time, was reasonable, but the onion saw this as an opportunity. It ventured to the house where the ¨reported onion sighting¨ was and began searching. Following a period of stealthy reconnaissance, it located the onion who was curled up against a rundown fence post in the backyard. While reminiscing in its own agony, it proceeded to comfort the onion, explaining the situation. Because the new onion had yet to learn english, it secreted chemical signals to communicate.

Frogs are cool

Look at that frog man,

It’s just chilling, slouching around

Wow! Did it just jump?


Buying fruits, tasty

Walking with mom, cluelessly

Free samples, priceless


Oi mate, want crumpets

Fish ́n ́chips delectable

God save the queen mate!


Blowing in the wind

“Woah, is that a tornado!”

We are going to die.


Woosh ball goes in net,

An absolute belter, wow,

“Sweet Jesus, what a goal!”


Thank you for the class

Going outside was very fun

Thanks for an awesome class!


 Listen to the author

Am I nostalgic? Am I nostalgic for the innocent little girl I once was? Am I nostalgic for the raw smiles and light air around me in the videos on my mom's aged iPad? I yearn for warmth, happiness, better times. If I type in “nostalgia” on Google, it reads: “a sentimental longful or wistful affection of the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations.”

I agree with nostalgia being longful, but I am not sure if happy is the right word to associate nostalgia with. To me, nostalgia is grieving. I mourn the happy little girl in those old videos. I mourn the lost innocence and the feeling of no stress. I grieve my old self. I grieve the comfort of having time. Everyday I am reassured of having everything and everyone so close to me, but one day they will just be memories. Some already are. And sometimes, I wish I could go back. 

I wouldn’t want to go on my awkward first date again or go through another long dance or volleyball practice, but I mourn that part of my life that is over. I ache, because I will never have that again. I have so much sentiment for the years that passed right in front of my eyes and I find myself pitying the present thinking of those times, knowing I can never go back. Knowing I’ll never be the same. I wonder how I can miss someone that I carry within me every single day. How can I keep missing someone I never left? Am I able to grieve and mourn myself? I look at myself in the mirror and think of my current status. 

I panic.
How did I get here? 
